The Las Vegas Track Club (LVTC) Scholarship Program was formally established in 2000 to assist local high school graduates with college expenses. It ran from 2000 to 2020. With the dissolution of LVTC in 2022, the newly established Legends Foundation is attempting to carry on the tradition.
The Legends Foundation Scholarship Program is a way of giving back to the community. It shows our
commitment to youth running. By supporting young people who have demonstrated academic and
athletic excellence, community involvement, and a strong interest in running through their involvement with high school cross country we are encouraging healthy, productive, and disciplined lifestyles in these young adults who are the leaders of the future.
Award Amounts:
Variable: Likely divided among multiple recipients. Scholarship award amounts and how they are disbursed are at the sole discretion of the Legends Foundation Board of Directors. For 2022, awards can be expected to range from $1000 to $2000 with a total distribution of between $6000 and $8000.
Scholarship Committee:
The Scholarship Committee is selected by the Legends Foundation Board of Directors. The Committee Chairman is appointed by the Board and serves as the liaison between the Board and the Committee as the point of contact for inquiries about the Scholarship Program from members of the general public.
Any southern Nevada (defined as Clark County, Nye County and Lincoln County) student athlete who is a graduating high school senior (Class of 2022) and who has been actively involved with his or her high school cross country team, as verified by the Internet web site www.Athletic.net or the NIAA (Nevada Interscholastic Athletic Association), may apply.
Selection Criteria:
Scholarships are based upon achievements during the student’s high school career in the following areas: (1) academics, as measured by high school grade point averages (GPA), both unweighted and, if applicable, weighted, and SAT/ACT test scores; (2) athletics, with emphasis on high school cross country and participation in club running; (3) extracurricular activities and community involvement; 4) a personal essay; (5) two letters of recommendation. Weighting between these areas will be determined by the sole discretionary judgment of the Scholarship Committee and the Board of Directors, whose decisions will be final.
Use of Funds and Distribution:
The award is intended for the use of the recipient in the pursuit of post-secondary education. Money will be awarded to the winner or winners in the form of a one-time, single cash grant.